I kind of have a little break tonight. It'll be the first night in awhile that I don't have anything planned (although I forsee something popping itself up last minute). Tomorrow night I'll pick up my dress. :) Our living room is disastrous. There are flowers spread out all over the floor, plastic cups and plates and toule and serving platters and all that junk stacked in bags on the futon, candles/flower arrangements all over the tables and tv...and pinned to the wall is a layout of what the archway flower arrangment will look like. haha... I wouldn't say that I'm a nervous wreck, but I am getting anxious for the day to come and go smoothly. Biggest worries: 1) I won't fit into my dress 2) people won't show up 3) something will fall apart during the ceremony or at the most opportune time at the reception 4) the cake will be ruined on the way to the church 5) decorations won't come together like I envision they should. Besides all that, I'm great. And I have a new theory: Danny isn't worried about anything. At all. Hakunnah Matatta. Joy to the world. Life is peachy. Before, it kind of made me stand back and go "wait a sec....what in the world are YOU supposed to be doing?" But then I realized that probably most every bride in the history of bridedom has thought this once or twice, and that, honestly...I might have a problem marrying someone who was just as worried as I am about the flower arrangements and the way the candles flicker through the glass votives. :)
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